H A F F  –   Measuring Magnifier swiveling

Measuring Magnifier swiveling
measuring range 50 mm / 2 inch


General purpose
1) Measuring magnifier for exact measuring of lengths up to 50 mm, if the measuring range of standard measuring magnifier (10 mm) is insufficient and measuring with calliper or micrometer is not possible (for example chamfers).

2) Measuring magnifier for accurate measuring of lengths on drawings, plans, photos, etc. In the printing and textile industry and in the industry.

Measuring Magnifier swiveling
with two different scales


General purpose
measuring magnifier for measuring
on maps and drawings
in scale 1:2500/5000
(other scales available on request)
cartography, measurement

2 scales – mm/inch                                       
scale length 50,0 mm / 2,0 inch
increment 0,10 mm / 0,005 inch
line thickness               0,02 mm
in plastic box Ø 80 x 28 mm

magnifiying glass
nickel-plated brass
precision aplanatic glas lenses
adjustable for individual focus
distortion – free image
magnifying 8x
telescoping to 26 mm hight

2 scales 1:2500/5000
scale length 40 mm
increment 0,4 mm
line thickness  0,05 mm
in plastic box Ø 80 x 28 mm

magnifying glass
nickel-plated brass
glas lenses adjustable for individual focus
distortion – free image
magnifying 4x
telescoping to 26 mm hight

                                             No. 714   €/pcs. 215,13



No. 7192550       €/pcs.  189,08


Prices: EURO/pcs. exclusive VAT or similar tax or fees
EU-Countries: 19 % VAT will be added
Delivery: ex work (actual charges will be added)
Payment in advance after receipt of invoice
Payment to: HypoVereinsbank/UniCreditbank AG
IBAN:  DE 07 733 223 80 2240 108 006
BIC:  HYVE DE MM 570 (= Swift Code)

Order: Telephone ++49-8363/91220  * Fax ++49-8363/9122-33  * Mail: export@haff.de

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