H A F F –  mechanical Planimeters with vernier reading

Mechanische Planimeter

Planimeter No. 313E metric and inch system

For measuring areas at different scales with a variable value of vernier unit of 0,1 till 0,05 cm².
Working area: up to 50 cm square or 70 cm Ø, also small areas.


Planimeter No. 315E metric and inch system

For measuring areas at different scales with a variable value of vernier unit of 0,1 till 0,05 cm².
Working area: up to 70 cm square or 100 cm Ø, also small areas.


Planimeter No. 317E metric system

481,51 €
For measuring areas at different scales with the fixed value of vernier unit of 0,1 cm².
Working area: up to 50 cm square or 70 cm Ø.


To order the instrument with a tracing point instead of a tracing lens, please add „F“ to the reference number.



Export Prices: EURO/pc. exclusive VAT or similar tax or fees
Delivery: ex work (actual charges will be added)
EU-Countries: 19 % VAT will be added
Payment in advance after receipt of invoice
Payment to: HypoVereinsbank/UniCreditbank AG
IBAN:  DE 07 733 223 80 2240 108 006
and BIC:  HYVE DE MM 570 (= Swift Code)

Order: *Telephone: ++49-8363/91220  * Fax ++49-8363/9122-33
* Mail: export@haff.de

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